The training they need. The support you deserve.

Sometimes, you don’t need a coach. You just need someone to tell you where you are, show you where to go, and give you the exact steps to get there.

Let’s give you some credit.

Your industry is fast, and it’s changing constantly. No joe-schmoes can do what you’re out here doing. For that alone, you deserve all the clout. But would we be lying if we said there are some days you’re floating in a sea of doubt?

Sometimes you wonder if you’re creating a culture of change or just copying and pasting what you’ve heard you’re supposed to do and instead limiting the growth your organization, your team, and you can achieve.

You don’t fit into a templated playbook.

Doubt is natural. And in an industry like this, copy and pasting might seem like the easiest option, especially when you’re figuring it out all alone. But here’s the thing; you’re not alone anymore.

With our combination of theory and real-time practice, we’ll teach you how to develop unique practices and habits that help you create a healthy equity-centered organization you and your employees are proud to come to work for.

We help you create your own playbook…and we stick around to make sure it works.

Our training sessions include comprehensive, customized solutions with live sessions, practical tools, and digital learning reinforcements that encompass your specific needs and bring out the best in everyone, including you.

We do this by:

  • Directly providing customized learning roadmaps in service of organization-wide professional development or targeted group supports

  • Directly providing topic-based training and resources specifically aligned to getting work done

  • Supporting your creation of high-performing new teams, either as a new team or after a reorganization, as well as providing scaffolding for new leaders

  • Supporting teams action values of diversity, equity, and inclusion while learning how to operationalize the work in their current team structure